The third-year Graphic Design students at Fanshawe College have collaborated with local non-profits. Over the course of the semester, we have been working hard to create a campaign for various non-profits. At the end of the semester on April 13th 2023 we will be holding an event called Design 4 Change. This event will feature the work we have been doing with the Non-profits, our personal work, and how we have grown as Graphic Designers. ,
The non-profit that I have been working with is called Voices for Men 360. They are based in Toronto Canada. Their goal is to seek men and boys who are needing help with their mental health and well-being. They want to help break the stigma about men’s mental health. For the campaign, I wanted it to have a nice and caring feeling to help make men and boys aware that reaching out is being brave.
If you want to learn more about Voices of Men 360 you can go to
Remember that reaching out is being brave!